Voice Recognition
Wayne Trace High School

Wayne Trace High School


Good Morning, Raiders! Today is Friday 
Today, will we have target time and follow that bell schedule! 
Looking to show off your Notre Dame or Ohio State spirit this week?  Buy a locker magnet from the STEAM team during lunch!  Magnets will be on sale all week for a suggested $5 donation, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross Wildfire Disaster Relief.  Go Irish!!!
Students - Just a reminder only students in a season sport are allowed to be in the locker rooms to drop off stuff before school.  Also, JH students in a sport should only drop off in the JH locker rooms and same with the HS should only drop off in the HS locker rooms.  Athletes should drop off and leave.  These are not hang out spots.  Thank you for your cooperation.  Any questions please check with the office.  
On Thursday, February 6th from 5:30-7pm, Grover Hill will have their STEAM night.  They are looking for people to help with the various stations.  If you are interested in helping, please see Mrs. Franz by January 24th.  This will count as an event for the Community Service seal.  
7th grade girls are in choir today. 
If you are interested in taking a class for college credit next year, there will be a CCP meeting on January 27th at 6:30pm in the Lecture Hall.  All required paperwork will be given out that evening.
There will be an NHS meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7:20 in Miss K.’s room. Please try to have all completed hours turned in by the meeting.
Students: Just a reminder cell phones should be in your lockers throughout the day! High School can only have them at lunch.  Thank you! 
Happy Birthday yesterday to  Harper Myers and on Saturday to Brandon Hire
Have a great day, Raiders!


Congratulations go out to junior Hunter Lyons who's mesmerizing ink drawing, Where's the Rectangle? will be featured in this winter's edition of Celebrating Art!   This is the second juried contest that has chosen Hunter's piece for exhibition this semester.  

When Wayne Trace junior Ryan Parker visited Perry Pro Tech in Fort Wayne this fall, new ideas for the STEAM center filled his head.  "I thought that there would be a lot of projects and potential," stated Parker, one of the school's Art Technology students.  While he was able to share with educators from around the region some of the projects he had been creating in class using the machines from Perry, Ryan also brainstormed ways that his classmates could benefit from the other equipment he saw during his visit.

Ryan's idea of bringing a new machine to Wayne Trace became a reality this week with a special delivery from Santa!  The Visual Design, Engineering Design, and Art Technology classes all have plans for the new flatbed cutter from Perry Pro Tech while the Cross-Categorical class will be one of the first groups to use the machine in order to make treat boxes for their coffee cart enterprise.  While we may be heading into the holiday break, we are certainly excited to get back to school in January to work with these tools. Creative students and great partnerships are two of the keys for success at the Wayne Trace STEAM center!
When junior Ryan Parker visited Perry Pro Tech in Fort Wayne this past fall, ideas of how Wayne Trace could use the technology he saw.  "I thought that there would be a lot of projects and potential," stated Parker, one of the school's ARt Technology students.

Food Distribution

Wayne Trace will be hosting a monthly food distribution for our families who have children in grades 7-12.  You will be able to come to the high school and receive some supplemental groceries for the month.  We are working with the West Ohio Food Bank, so we will be limited to what they have available for the month.  We received a grant this year from Honda, so we should be able to have a nice supply of food available.
Distribution will be held from 3pm to 5:30pm or until we are out of food.   Students who drive are able to pick up food.  Students who ride the bus will not have time to pick up food.  Students do not need to be present when families pick up food.   The only information we will ask for is the name of one 7-12 student in the household and a tally of the number of people in the house. Food is available for all members of the household. No names are given to West Ohio Food Bank.
Our distribution will be in the Ag shop, which is located on the south side of the building near the softball field.  Pick up is from 3pm-5:30pm.  There is NO financial requirement.  This is open to any family with a student in grades 7-12 who would like some supplemental groceries.
Typically, we will have this on the third Wednesday of the month, but we did have to change it for March and May.  Distribution dates:
February 19th 
March 12th
April 16th
May 14th
No distributions in June, July or August.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Franz at [email protected]
Thank you!

Wayne Trace High School's maintenance director Bob Thomas recently approached the school's STEAM center with a challenge:  could they create a downspout to replace a broken ceramic one that is no longer made?  Bob was quickly introduced to Luke Stouffer, a senior student in Mr. Ed Stuart's Engineering Design course.  In less than a day, Luke had measured, calculated, and designed a replacement downspout using Fusion 360, a computer-aided design program that he just learned this fall.  The design was printed using one of the school's 3D printers, and in less than 48 hours, the problem was solved!  We are ready for your next challenge, Bob!  

Principal Letter

Dear parent/guardian of Wayne Trace Students,

The first nine weeks concluded on October 11th for the 2024-2025 school year. Overall, the students have worked hard to keep up with the expectations of our teaching staff. Grade reports were mailed on October 18th to parents/guardians of our students at Wayne Trace Junior/Senior High School.

Parent-teacher conferences are set up for Wednesday, October 23, from 5:30–8:30 p.m. and Thursday, October 24, from 1:00-4:30 pm and 5:30-8:00 p.m. We encourage parents to set up appointments with teachers if there are concerns after receiving the grade reports. Contact our office staff and we will try to schedule appointments where teachers may still have openings. Also, parents may call or email teachers directly if questions arise throughout the year. An important factor for student success is having parents who are involved and care about their child’s education.

On Wednesday, November 6, the eighth grade students will tour Vantage Career Center. While students do not make the decision to attend Vantage until their sophomore year, this tour motivates students to begin thinking about future career options. 

The annual Veteran’s Day program will be held on Monday, November 11 at 8:05 a.m. in the high school gymnasium. The public is invited to attend this inspiring assembly.

Another special program that will take place in November is the National Honor Society induction ceremony on Friday, November 1 at 1:55 p.m. Junior and senior students who meet the criteria in scholarship, character, service, and leadership will be honored.

As always, I want to thank the community for its outstanding support of all the activities involving our students at Wayne Trace Jr./Sr. High School. Go Raiders!

Warm regards,
Mike Myers

Veteran Banners

Banners created by our Art Technology classes honoring veterans from our Wayne Trace community are now being hung for display in Grover Hill, Payne, Latty, Haviland, and Scott.  If you missed out on the opportunity to honor your veteran with a banner this year, orders for next year will be accepted starting on Veterans Day in November and continuing through February 15.  Thank you!

CANCELLED: Wayne Trace Schools BKB B FR Away Hicksville Jr/Sr HS

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/76316753 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools BKB B V Away Hicksville Jr/Sr HS

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/76298525 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools BKB G V HS Girls Practice (Practice)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/79148931 for more information!

Wayne Trace Schools W B V Away Van Buren High School (Van Buren Invitational)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/76329074 for more information!

CANCELLED: Wayne Trace Schools W B JH Away Versailles High School (Wauseon Invitational)

Visit https://waynetraceathletics.com/main/event/scid/OH4585123128/eventid/76329381 for more information!
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