Good Morning, Raiders! Today is Friday
Today, will we have target time and follow that bell schedule!
Looking to show off your Notre Dame or Ohio State spirit this week? Buy a locker magnet from the STEAM team during lunch! Magnets will be on sale all week for a suggested $5 donation, with all proceeds going to the American Red Cross Wildfire Disaster Relief. Go Irish!!!
Students - Just a reminder only students in a season sport are allowed to be in the locker rooms to drop off stuff before school. Also, JH students in a sport should only drop off in the JH locker rooms and same with the HS should only drop off in the HS locker rooms. Athletes should drop off and leave. These are not hang out spots. Thank you for your cooperation. Any questions please check with the office.
On Thursday, February 6th from 5:30-7pm, Grover Hill will have their STEAM night. They are looking for people to help with the various stations. If you are interested in helping, please see Mrs. Franz by January 24th. This will count as an event for the Community Service seal.
7th grade girls are in choir today.
If you are interested in taking a class for college credit next year, there will be a CCP meeting on January 27th at 6:30pm in the Lecture Hall. All required paperwork will be given out that evening.
There will be an NHS meeting on Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7:20 in Miss K.’s room. Please try to have all completed hours turned in by the meeting.
Students: Just a reminder cell phones should be in your lockers throughout the day! High School can only have them at lunch. Thank you!
Happy Birthday yesterday to Harper Myers and on Saturday to Brandon Hire
Have a great day, Raiders!