Voice Recognition
GH Family Lit
Sept. SOM
Grover Hill Elemntary

Grover Hill Elementary


Question and Answer Session
for the Proposed Levy
October 3 @ 6:00 pm in the High School Gym
If you have questions, please consider attending this event.

3D Animation of Proposed Auditorium and Community Wellness Center

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need an auditorium?
Band, Choir and Drama, currently totals 274 members at the JH/HS. 54% of the JH/HS student population participates in Band, Choir or Drama. Of these 274 students, 77 students are enrolled in more than one course (band, choir, and drama), and an average of 10-15 students per year from the Vantage Career Center take part in Drama. The music department has grown out of its educational space.  By adding new classrooms and an auditorium we are setting up the music department for continued success.  The auditorium would be centrally located for our students and community to attend music and drama events just as they do for athletic events.

Why do we need a gym/weight room/wrestling room?
By building a Community Wellness Center, this will allow us to move our weight room and wrestling program out to the Community Wellness Center, freeing up much needed space for educational purposes, such as our STEAM program (this would create 4-5 more classrooms). The gymnasium is a by-product that can be used by the community.  The Community Wellness Center will be available for the entire district/community to utilize for health and wellness and family gatherings. 

Why are we doing this now?
The community responded to what they thought our needs were, and we responded.  This is long overdue, and we want to afford our students the same opportunities as other districts in our area and Ohio.

Why do you need taxes at all – why not just use windmill money?
We will be utilizing monies collected from the windmills as well as other renewable energy sources to help us complete this project.

What is the cost of the project for me?
 For every $100,000. of appraised value, you will pay $171.85 annually or .47 cents per day.  To find your appraised value, go to the Paulding County Auditor website https://www.pauldingcountyauditor.com/Search and search for your property to find your appraised value.
How will WT’s millage compare to other local schools?
Compared to other school districts in our area, we have some of the lowest millage.  Upon approving the levy, Wayne Trace would still be lower than most districts in our area.
What will happen to the old auditorium?
The old auditorium at Payne will continue to be used for education and our school programs at Payne.
What does this do to parking?
This not only improves our parking by adding more space, but will increase the safety for our students and improve the traffic flow for pick up and drop off.
What does this mean for Junior High baseball?
Wayne Trace will help the JH Boys relocate; JH Girls will continue to play in Latty.
Why not just build a central campus?
We listened to the community, and the community’s desire for keeping the 2 elementaries.  A new building for one campus would not be viable at this time due to the cost.
When will this be completed?
The auditorium would likely be completed in the fall of 2027, and the Community Wellness Center in the summer of 2027.
What happens if we go to a central campus? Will there be room to expand?
These additions would not affect an expansion in the future.

What else can the auditorium be used for and how will that generate money for the school? 
None at this time.  The plan is to use the auditorium for only educational purposes.  

How do we justify spending that much on something used a couple times per year?
It will be used throughout the year for educational purposes as well as music, band, choir and drama.

What hours will the Community Wellness Center be available?  Only before and after school hours?
We would make the Community Wellness Center available as much as possible for the community.  We would base that on other school district’s hours for their Community Wellness Centers.

How will I gain access? Key fob?
Yes, we would issue key fobs like we do now

Are any renovations planned for the Payne or Grover Hill schools with the funds generated from the new levy?
No, not at this time.  General upkeep will continue as always.

Who can use the Community Wellness Center?
Residents, anyone who owns property in the school district, alumni, current students.

Will additional staff be hired for maintenance (janitors) for the auditorium and Community Wellness Center?
We will assess the need and yes it may be considered.  Cleanliness is a priority.

What will it cost to rent the Community Wellness Center (room)?
Similar to what the school charges now for use of its facilities.  
What else would an auditorium be used for other than the musical and few band/choir performances?
Educational purposes, meetings, and assemblies, to name just a few.
Will these new buildings be able to stay if/when we move to one central campus?
These buildings would be independent of any future new construction.
If we have more parking as a result of this project, can we expect to see WT host more post-season athletic tournament games?
Wayne Trace is always open to hosting events.
Do you plan on a better curb appeal to the 127 side of our building if this project happens? (E.g. dumpsters)
Yes, we will address that as needed
If passed, when can we expect to see the project break ground and also completed?
Breaking ground would likely be early 2026.  For opening, the auditorium would likely be in the fall of 2027, and the Community Wellness Center in the spring/summer of 2027
What is STEAM?
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math
This emphasizes technical skills, and is not a vocation like Vantage Career Center.
*More detailed information and updates on the levy and building project will be available on the Wayne Trace School website: https://www.waynetrace.org/, on our social media platforms, and other media outlets in the upcoming days.

Informational Sheet

Wayne Trace Local School District
Proposed Building Project Financing
Total Project                                         $30,286,453.00
Wayne Trace Board of Education 
Capital Project Fund                             -$2,000,000.00
State of Ohio Career Tech Grant       -$1,600,000.00
Amount to be financed                       $26,686,453.00
Wayne Trace Board of Education
Allocation of current/future
Renewable Energy Funds                    -$8,000,000.00
Bond Issue 4.91 mills                          $18,686,453.00
*For every $100,000. of appraised value, you will pay $171.85 annually or .47 cents per day.

WT Millage Summary

Vision and Dental Outreach Program

The vision team will provide in-school vision services to students.
Services Provided:
Eye Exam
Glasses as necessary

Tooth decay is the most prevalent and preventable chronic disease in children.  Health Partners sets out to increase children's access to oral health services in schools with our School Based Dental Outreach Program.  Parents must register their children for this service.  Our program is open to all children Pre-K-12th grade.  

Services Provided:
Dental Exams
Dental Cleanings
Fluoride Treatments
Dental Sealants
SDF Applications
Oral Health Instructions

Health Partners of Western Ohio will send an Outreach Dental Team to our schools on the following dates:
Monday, October 21- Dental Exam
April 8 and 9- 2nd Dental Visit

The consent forms are due September 13
See below for the forms and more information

Wayne Trace Raider Socks

Breakfast/Lunch Information

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year!

Free & Reduced Meal Application Procedures
All parents are highly encouraged to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application to see if your student qualifies for meal benefits. The application can be found at https://linqconnect.com/ or you can contact Marissa Coil for a paper application. I highly encourage you to complete the application prior to the beginning of the school year. The effective date of benefits is the date the application is received.   
Payment Procedures
Payments can be made via cash or check given to the cafeteria cashier. Please have your student turn in lunch money in the morning before school or after all students go through the lunch line. Lunch money is turned into the A Line cashier. 
Online payments can also be made at https://linqconnect.com/.
Breakfast & Lunch Procedures
At Wayne Trace High School, breakfast is served from 7:45 am to 8:05 am every day. If there is a 3-hour delay, breakfast will not be served. There is a hot breakfast option available daily as well as a cold breakfast option. We strongly encourage students to eat breakfast every day to help fuel their minds!
For lunch, there are two lunch lines. A Line serves the planned menu or “typical” lunch, and B Line is our sandwich and salad bar line. Students can also purchase a la cart items through the B Line.
The menu can be found on the school website or on LINQ Connect. Menus are subject to change. If you have any questions regarding the menu or your student requires special diet accommodations, please contact Marissa Coil. 
Meal Prices
Elementary Lunch
Reduced Lunch
Elementary Breakfast
Reduced Breakfast

Preschool Snack 
Both snack and milk$1.10

After School Snack:

Please contact Marissa Coil with any questions or concerns that pertain to the cafeteria.
Thank you,
Marissa Coil
Director of Food Services
419-263-2415 Ext. 106

ProgressBook Parent/Student Mobile App

The ProgressBook Parent/Student mobile app is now available. The instructional sheet provides instructions about downloading and logging into the app.

Title 1

Grover Hill Elementary Notice of Title I Program Criteria for 2024-
The Title 1 Reading program is a school-wide, federally funded program to provide additional assistance in reaching reading proficiency. The following criteria is used to select students to participate in the Title 1 program:
1 . Reading Diagnostic score of "not on track "for grade level
  1. Standardized reading score of limited or basic in any given reading area
  2. DIBELS reading assessment indicating "at risk" in any given reading area
  3. Star Reading test indicating below grade level reading placement
  4. Teacher criteria checklist indicating classroom performance below expected
  5. Kindergarten fall testing indicating "at risk" students
Students must qualify in at least two criteria areas to receive additional reading instruction by the Title 1 teacher. Students receive an additional 20-30 minutes of reading instruction three or five days a week from highly-qualified teachers. Please check out our School Parent Compact and Parent Involvement Policy in the Title I folder under Quick Links on our school's website. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Walls or Mrs. Knoblauch at WTGHE.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need an auditorium?
We currently have approximately 274 students enrolled in band, choir, and drama at the Junior High/High School.  The music department has grown out of its educational space.  By adding new classrooms and an auditorium we are setting up the music department for continued success.  The auditorium would be centrally located for our students and community to attend music and drama events just as they do for athletic events.
Why do we need a gym/weight room/wrestling room?
By building a Community Wellness Center, this will allow us to move our weight room and wrestling program out to the Community Wellness Center, freeing up much needed space for educational purposes, such as our STEAM program (this would create 4-5 more classrooms). The gymnasium is a by-product that can be used by the community.  The Community Wellness Center will be available for the entire district/community to utilize for health and wellness and family gatherings. 
Why are we doing this now?
The community responded to what they thought our needs were, and we responded.  This is long overdue, and we want to afford our students the same opportunities as other districts in our area and Ohio.
Why do you need taxes at all – why not just use windmill money?
We will be utilizing monies collected from the windmills as well as other renewable energy sources to help us complete this project.
What is the cost of the project for me?
 For every $100,000. of appraised value, you will pay $171.85 annually or .47 cents per day.  To find your appraised value, go to the Paulding County Auditor website https://www.pauldingcountyauditor.com/Search and search for your property to find your appraised value.
How will WT’s millage compare to other local schools?
Compared to other school districts in our area, we have some of the lowest millage.  Upon approving the levy, Wayne Trace would still be lower than most districts in our area.
What will happen to the old auditorium?
The old auditorium at Payne will continue to be used for education and our school programs at Payne.
What does this do to parking?
This not only improves our parking by adding more space, but will increase the safety for our students and improve the traffic flow for pick up and drop off.
What does this mean for Junior High baseball?
Wayne Trace will help the JH Boys relocate; JH Girls will continue to play in Latty.
Why not just build a central campus?
We listened to the community, and the community’s desire for keeping the 2 elementaries.  A new building for one campus would not be viable at this time due to the cost.
When will this be completed?
The auditorium would likely be completed in the fall of 2027, and the Community Wellness Center in the summer of 2027.
What happens if we go to a central campus? Will there be room to expand?
These additions would not affect an expansion in the future.
What else can the auditorium be used for and how will that generate money for the school? 
None at this time.  The plan is to use the auditorium for only educational purposes.  
How do we justify spending that much on something used a couple times per year?
It will be used throughout the year for educational purposes as well as music, band, choir and drama.
What hours will the Community Wellness Center be available?  Only before and after school hours?
We would make the Community Wellness Center available as much as possible for the community.  We would base that on other school district’s hours for their Community Wellness Centers.
How will I gain access? Key fob?
Yes, we would issue key fobs like we do now
Are any renovations planned for the Payne or Grover Hill schools with the funds generated from the new levy?
No, not at this time.  General upkeep will continue as always.
Who can use the Community Wellness Center?
Residents, anyone who owns property in the school district, alumni, current students.
Will additional staff be hired for maintenance (janitors) for the auditorium and Community Wellness Center?
We will assess the need and yes it may be considered.  Cleanliness is a priority.
What will it cost to rent the Community Wellness Center (room)?
Similar to what the school charges now for use of its facilities.  
What else would an auditorium be used for other than the musical and few band/choir performances?
Educational purposes, meetings, and assemblies, to name just a few.
Will these new buildings be able to stay if/when we move to one central campus?
These buildings would be independent of any future new construction.
If we have more parking as a result of this project, can we expect to see WT host more post-season athletic tournament games?
Wayne Trace is always open to hosting events.
Do you plan on a better curb appeal to the 127 side of our building if this project happens? (E.g. dumpsters)
Yes, we will address that as needed
If passed, when can we expect to see the project break ground and also completed?
Breaking ground would likely be early 2026.  For opening, the auditorium would likely be in the fall of 2027, and the Community Wellness Center in the spring/summer of 2027
What is STEAM?
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math
This emphasizes technical skills, and is not a vocation like Vantage Career Center.
*More detailed information and updates on the levy and building project will be available on the Wayne Trace School website: https://www.waynetrace.org/, on our social media platforms, and other media outlets in the upcoming days.
© 2024. Wayne Trace Local School District. All Rights Reserved.
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