Voice Recognition

Title 1

Title 1

The Title 1 Reading program is a school-wide, federally funded program to provide additional assistance in reaching reading proficiency. The following criteria is used to select students to participate in the Title 1 program:

1. Reading Diagnostic score of “not on track “for grade level 
2. Standardized reading score of limited or basic in any given reading area
3. DIBELS reading assessment indicating “at risk” in any given reading area
4. Star Reading test indicating below grade level reading placement 
5. Teacher criteria checklist indicating classroom performance below expected level 
6. Kindergarten fall testing indicating “at risk” students 
Students must qualify in at least two criteria areas to receive additional reading instruction by the Title 1 teacher. Students receive an additional 20-30 minutes of reading instruction three or five days a week from highly-qualified teachers.
-Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. April Krouse or Mr. Evans at WTPE and Mrs. Gordon or Mrs. Knoblauch  at WTGHE.

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