Voice Recognition

PTO Information


Payne Elementary PTO General Meeting 

10/10/2022 at 6:30 pm 

Attendance: 22 in attendance 

Meeting called to order: at 6:30 by Bethany DeJarnett 

Welcome: Bethany DeJarnett 

Thank you for all attending our first general PTO meeting of the 2022-23 school year. 

Treasurer Report: Stephanie Cox (co-treasurer) 

1. Current balance: $0 

2. Signers on the account will be Stephanie Cox and Bethany DeJarnett (co-treasurers) 3. Bank account: open an account at Antwerp Exchange Bank (as long as there are no fees) 

a. 1 Vote Results: Yes- 22 No- 0 

4. Start the process of becoming a 501(c)(3) 

a. Vote Results: Yes- 22 No- 0 

New Business: 

A. Fundraiser Ideas * Flier that goes home stating how students will benefit. 

1. Terri Lynn fundraiser (currently running): 

a. Week of November 14th to sort the nuts: Tiffany Wilcox, Kylie Pierce, Tiffany Reeves, Ann Burkley, JoAnna Taylor 

b. Pick-up date: November 21st: will need one to two people to help with pick-up from 3:45-5:30 

2. Payne Elementary spirit wear: 

a. Order forms- week of October 17th 

b. Sale will run for three weeks 

c. Possible pick-up date same as nut fundraiser 

3. Butterbraids 

4. Candy Bar Sale 

5. Ozark Suckers 

6. Flower Sales: mums, poinsettias, spring flowers 

7. Beef jerky sticks 

8. Is there something the students can make or do to contribute to funds 

9. Walk-a-thon/Dance-a-thon 

a. Buy shirts 

b. Adults walk for $10

10. Chicken dinner/vendor sale 

11. Cooper turkey rolls 

B. PTO Activity Ideas (after school and during school): 

1. Movie night 

a. Free admission, but have a small concession stand 

2. Carnival 


a. Pay $1 for BINGO card (one card limit) 

b. Simple prizes 

4. Board Games 

5. Fall festival 

a. Face painting 

b. Games 

c. Pumpkin painting 

6. 6th grade/staff/parents games 

7. Craft bags 

a. KiwiCo. 

b. Universal Merchandise in Fort Wayne 

8. Survival Game Show 

a. Mindy Stoller 

9. Donuts with Grown-Ups 

a. Before school starts 

b. Organize it by last name 

c. Simple game or activity to promote interaction among adult and students 10. VIP Days 

11. Katlin Hall- improvisational assembly 

a. Tricia Taylor will look at cost 

C. Election of Officers 

1. President- Janelle Couts 

a. Vote Results: Yes- 22 No- 0 

2. Vice-President- Amanda Gerardot

a. Vote Results: Yes- 22 No- 0 

3. Secretary- Joanna Taylor 

a. Vote Results: Yes- 22 No- 0 

D. Communication Platform 

1. Band App 

Next Meeting Date 

1. Send a survey asking time of day members can meet/if and or when they can help throughout the school day 

2. November 28th or December 5th for the next meeting 

Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm 

Attendance: Tiffany Wilcox, Robin McCord, Chelsea Speice, Tricia Taylor, Kasey Showalter, Janelle Couts, Mindy Stoller, Kylie Pierce, Allyssa Stoller, Ann Burkley, Beth Stoller, Tiffany Reeves, Scott Strahley, Jill Strahley, JoAnna Taylor, Katie Perkins, Peyton Short, McKenzie Buerkle, Kim Coomer, Belinda Miller, Steph Cox, Bethany DeJarnett
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