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College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus

College Credit Plus- Quick Information Guide

What Is College Credit Plus? College Credit Plus replaces Ohio’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program and Dual Credit.

College Credit Plus is a unique opportunity for highly motivated students in grades 7-12 to get a jump start on their future! Students enrolled in this program are able to earn college and high school credit at the same time. College Credit Plus not only gives students the opportunity to challenge themselves academically, it also gives them a jump start on completing their college degree.

Who can enroll in College Credit Plus?  CCP is open to all 7-12 students.  Participants must be Ohio residents and meet the prequisite and co-requisite requirements and deadlines for the courses they are interested in taking.

Earn both high school and college credit at the same time.  Not only are College Credit Plus classes free** to the student, but credits that are earned may reduce the amount of time you spend in college after high school graduation. (Private colleges may charge a fee.)

Credits are transferable.  Most credits can transfer to any state college in Ohio. (Many private colleges too!) Talk to the college’s transfer coordinator about how to make the most out of your classes. 

Take more diverse classes. Take an introduction to engineering class, test your accounting skills, or see if business management is in your career future.

Is your calendar too packed to fit in a trip to campus for class? College Credit Plus classes are offered in a variety of learning options including online, on campus, or even at the high school.

How much will College Credit Plus cost?  Through a public college or university, College Credit Plus courses will cost time, not money.  Tuition, fees and books are all free** to the student, but college classes are more rigorous than high school. Students should plan on spending three hours per week studying outside of the classroom for every hour they spend in a college class. (**Private Colleges may charge a fee.)

Is there a limit to how many classes I can take?  Yes. You are not allowed to exceed 10 high school credit hours per school year.  (A 3 or 4 hour college class equals 1 high school credit.)  The school year for CCP credits runs from June- May.

Do I pay for the textbooks?  No, students are not responsible for purchasing textbooks for their College Credit Plus course. Students do not own the books, however, and they must be returned at the end of each semester.

How do I apply and register for College Credit Plus?  First, students should meet with Mrs. Franz to go over requirements, academic standards and eligibility.  Be sure that all paperwork and registrations are completed on time.
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