Voice Recognition

District Profile

District Profile

Wayne Trace Local School District
Central Office: (419) 263-2415
Website: Wayne Trace District

Spanning 176 square miles the Wayne Trace Local School District serves the educational needs of several small communities including Broughton, Grover Hill, Haviland, Latty, Scott and Payne.  Located in southern rural Paulding County the district’s predominant industry is farming.  However, district residents may access many amenities as there are several larger cities within a fifteen to twenty minute drive.

Currently the district consists of three schools: Wayne Trace Grover Hill Elementary, Wayne Trace Payne Elementary, and Wayne Trace Junior/Senior High which is located just north of Haviland.  The elementary schools service Pre-K thru 6th grade with the junior/senior high servicing grades 7 thru 12.  Approximate enrollment numbers for the Wayne Trace District are consistently at 1000 students.  Just over half of those students are serviced in the elementary setting, with the others attending and receiving services at the junior/senior high.  Juniors and seniors also have the option to attend Vantage Career Center which services our districts career oriented students.

Our elementary schools focus their academic programs on laying a solid foundation on which our students can grow their knowledge.  We follow the guidelines put in place by the Ohio Department of Education to ensure each student is prepared for the next level in their education.  Throughout the elementary level students are also introduced to the various forms of the arts ranging from:  instrumental and vocal music, various art classes, and physical education.

At the junior high level the curriculum is designed to continue to grow on the foundation that has been established at the elementary level.  Again the curriculum follows the guidelines put in place by the Ohio Department of Education.  The arts are continued at the junior high level with students again participating in: instrumental and vocal music, various art classes, and physical education.

The high school curriculum consists of a college preparatory curriculum that again follows the guidelines set by the Ohio Department of Education.  Students are allowed more freedom to choose courses at the high school level.  Through classroom instruction and online instruction in our virtual classroom students may choose to take courses for which they can be awarded college credit.  The options for the arts grow at the high school level as students can enroll in a variety of musical, art, and physical education courses.  Promotion of alternate language is also offered to our students at the high school level with an onsite Spanish instructor.

The Wayne Trace Local School District promotes learning through the use of technology.  At the junior/senior high each student is supplied with a laptop computer.  These devices are utilized in the classroom to enhance the learning experience.  If students choose to do so the laptops may be taken home to assist them in completing their work outside of the classroom.  Our elementary students are also introduced to technology through the use of laptops and tablets.  Each classroom has access to these devices which again provide an enhanced learning environment for our students.

Students attending the Wayne Trace Local School District are able to enjoy a wide variety of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.  We encourage students to participate in these events as our district values the lessons that are learned outside of the classroom.  As a district we have enjoyed many successes in these events which continue to be supported by fellow students and our community members.
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